grounding to prevent osteoporosis

Can Grounding Prevent Osteoporosis?

Can Grounding Help With Osteoporosis?

Yes, grounding or earthing might help with early signs of osteoporosis. A study examined how connecting the human body to the Earth could influence various physiological processes, including bone health. 

The results were surprising, especially considering the short time involved—just one night of grounded sleep.

How Grounding Helps Prevent Osteoporosis

The researchers, K. Sokal and P. Sokal, were a father-son medical professional team. One was a cardiologist, and the other a neurosurgeon. Their idea was simple: test whether the Earth's natural electric charge can affect how the human body functions. To do that, they used a copper plate strapped to the lower leg of the participants. 

That plate was then connected with a wire to a larger plate outside that touched the ground. Everyone in the study had similar routines—same kind of food, same activity levels, and similar water intake. They wanted to make sure the only difference was the grounding.

Here’s what they found. After a single night, participants showed measurable changes in their blood chemistry. Specifically, there were statistically significant reductions in calcium and phosphorus levels, both in the blood and in urine. 

Those two minerals are key when it comes to bone health. When the body is losing bone, calcium and phosphorus tend to show up in higher concentrations in the blood and urine. That’s because they’re being pulled from the bones into circulation. So, a drop in those levels could be a sign that bone breakdown is slowing down.

No Medication, Just Grounding

The experiment included non-medicated participants, which is important. It means the effects weren't influenced by any drugs or supplements. 

The researchers measured several elements in the blood: iron, ionised calcium, inorganic phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Among those, calcium and phosphorus stood out the most in relation to osteoporosis.

One Night May Be Enough to See an Effect

One thing to note: the study didn’t go on for weeks or months. This was just one night. Even so, those small shifts in mineral levels suggest the body may respond to grounding quickly. That doesn’t mean it’s a cure or that the changes are permanent. 

But it does raise some interesting questions. What happens if grounding becomes a regular habit? Could it support long-term bone health?

Grounding Doesn't Need to Be Complicated

Another detail that stands out is how grounding was done. It wasn’t high-tech. It was a copper plate on the leg, connected to the ground with a wire. 

This shows how accessible grounding can be. You don’t need a big setup or expensive gear. In this study, it was all about simple contact with the Earth, maintained overnight during sleep.

Learn more: How to do grounding naturally

Why Might Grounding Affect Bone Health?

Now, let’s discuss the science behind why this might work. When your body is grounded, electrons from the Earth are thought to flow into it. Other studies have linked this to a reduction in inflammation and improved balance of the autonomic nervous system.

Chronic inflammation has been associated with bone loss, so if grounding helps manage inflammation, it could indirectly support bone health too. However, the Sokal study didn’t directly measure inflammation in this part of their research, so that connection remains a hypothesis for now.

Possible Role of Electrolyte Balance

There’s also the role of electrolyte balance. The body’s mineral balance is tightly regulated. When you change one part of that system—even slightly—it can have ripple effects on many functions, including how bones retain or lose minerals. 

The drop in calcium and phosphorus excretion might mean the kidneys are holding onto those minerals more efficiently, or that the bones are not shedding them as much. Either way, it’s a positive direction if the goal is to maintain strong bones.

Easy to Try, Low Risk for Most People

From a practical perspective, this is something people can try without much risk. Of course, if someone has a medical condition or is on medication, they should always talk to a healthcare provider first. 

But if you're healthy and curious, grounding is fairly easy to do. Spending time barefoot outside, using grounding sheets, or trying a simple grounded mat or bed sheets while sleeping could be a low-cost, low-effort experiment.

Let’s Be Clear on What It Doesn’t Prove

It’s also worth saying what this study didn’t prove. It didn’t show that grounding prevents or reverses osteoporosis. It didn’t look at long-term outcomes or test bone density. 

It simply found that after grounding for one night, some key indicators related to bone loss moved in a good direction. That’s valuable, but not the same as long-term proof.

A Step Toward More Awareness

So where does this leave us? Honestly, in an interesting spot. Grounding isn’t some fringe idea anymore. Studies like this one give it a scientific foundation. 

It still needs more research—especially large, long-term studies with diverse groups of people. But even a small shift in a single night is worth paying attention to.

Grounding could be one piece of a larger routine for someone trying to be proactive about bone health. It’s not a replacement for good nutrition, weight-bearing exercise, or medical treatment if needed. But it could be a helpful addition. And again, it’s simple. That’s part of what makes it appealing.

Another side of this conversation is awareness. A lot of people don’t think about their bone health until they’re older or already dealing with issues. 

But bone loss can start quietly and early. Tools that might support bone strength—especially ones that are non-invasive and low-cost—deserve more attention.

Was It Just a Fluke?

Some may ask if the changes seen in this study were random. The answer is probably not. The researchers used a controlled environment and repeated measurements. The changes were statistically significant, which means they were unlikely to be due to chance. Still, science is about replication. One study opens the door, but it takes many to build a full picture.

So, in short: yes, grounding might help with early signs of osteoporosis. The Sokal & Sokal study shows how quickly the body might respond. It’s not a magic solution, but it’s something to consider, especially if you’re already focused on maintaining strong bones. More research will tell us just how far these effects go. But for now, it’s an easy and promising place to start.


  1. Sokal K. and Sokal P., Earthing the human body influences physiologic processes, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. (2011) 17, no. 4, 301–308,
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