⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I put the mat under my desk while I'm working and it's been one of the best investments I've made. Within a day, I experienced a noticeable reduction in knee inflammation. It's so easy and simple. Paired with the mattress cover, these additions have really improved my life. The immeasurable benefits they provide far surpass the initial cost." Greg W, QLD
Immerse yourself in the transformative energy of the earth with this cutting-edge Earthing product. Engineered for modern living, this sleek mat made from smooth conductive carbonised rubber is your ticket to reconnecting with the Earth's vitality, right from the comfort of your home or office.
Unleash the Power of Grounding at Home
Throughout the day your body craves connection with the Earth's vital energy. However, in today's world it's almost impossible to be on the Earth, particularly when we're working from home or in an office.
At a convenient 65cm x 25cm, our Premium Mat provides a grounding experience in the comfort of your own home.
Embrace Nature's Antioxidant with Earthing Products
Harness the anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and anti-aging properties of Earth’s electrons, seamlessly delivered whilst you work. As you sit or stand at your desk, these powerful electrons work tirelessly, neutralising inflammation, reducing stress, and mitigating the effects of harmful EMFs that surround us daily.
Experience Unparalleled Comfort
Connect to the Earth's energy without stepping outside! Our Grounding Mat comes with a generous 5m cord, allowing you to place it anywhere in your home or office. The setup is a breeze – simply plug one end into the earthing adapter and the other into your mat. Experience the joy of grounding in your favourite spot.
Desk Workers:
Grounding mat aids in maintaining a connection with the Earth's energy during prolonged desk work, combating the negative effects of extended sitting.
Stress-Prone Professionals:
Offers quick stress relief, fostering a sense of calm and relaxation in high-pressure office environments.
Deadline Driven Employees:
Enhances focus and mental clarity, potentially improving productivity and coping under stressful conditions.
Tech-Intensive Roles:
Counters the impact of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from electronic devices, contributing to a healthier work environment.
Home Office Professionals:
Seamlessly integrates into home office setups, providing the same benefits as in-office use.
Flexibility Seekers:
Portable design allows adaptation to various workspaces, creating a grounded environment wherever needed.
Digital Nomads:
Compact and travel-friendly, ensuring digital nomads can stay grounded wherever their work takes them.
Self-Care Advocates:
Becomes a valuable tool in a self-care routine, contributing to improved mental well-being and stress management during remote work.
Wellness Enthusiasts:
Becomes a valuable tool in a self-care routine, contributing to improved mental well-being and stress management during remote work.
Ideal for use while watching TV, reading a book, or relaxing at home, enhancing overall well-being during leisure time. Promotes balance within the home environment
This Mat is not just a product; it's a lifestyle upgrade. Take the first step towards experiencing all the grounding mat benefits such as enhanced well-being, reduced stress, and improved overall health. Don't miss out – connect, recharge, and thrive!
We are so confident you'll love our products that we offer a 90-Day Risk Free Trial & 3 Year Warranty on grounding sheets.
I am happily using my grounding mat under my feet whilst I work and occasionally under my legs at bedtime. I am noticing more calm and less tension in my body and mind.
I have tried another grounding mattress cover in the past, and I can see that this Premium Grounding product is a far better and higher quality. I’ve been using it for about two weeks, and I’m noticing that my sleep is gradually improving.
Waking up feeling completely energized
My husband and I are both using the Universal mats at our computers and they really help deal with having to be in front of a computer long hours.
Love the universal mat that I keep in front of my desk chair...I definitely feel the grounding effect.
Explore grounding techniques to reduce stress, improve sleep, and boost overall well-being.